
Steam colony survival game space pirates
Steam colony survival game space pirates

steam colony survival game space pirates steam colony survival game space pirates

(This list, obviously, doesn't account for optional niceties like a black light, proper '80s-mall carpeting, or a sick stereo system pumping out some fusion of disco, techno, and pop-punk.) Arguably cheaper than the plastic-gun optionĪs I previously wrote, Arena's sales pitch is as follows: would you like to play two-player laser tag in the year 2021? If so, you could buy a pair of plastic laser tag guns and sensors, and you could build a single, elaborate room, full of hallways, windows, and duck-and-cover debris-which means you'd need the materials, the time, and a space where you're allowed to temporarily erect such physical wizardry. Plus, I encountered some outright Facebook-related rage that got in the way of my tests (and might do the same to yours). My review of this unique mode, as a result, does account for Arena's coolest and trippiest aspects as it covers this release's faults and annoyances. You are, in some ways, quite liberated as this brand of space pirate.īut Arena's playable convenience ends there, as the mode pushes Quest and Quest 2 headsets to their room-sensing limit: an exact 10 m x 10 m square (32.8 ft x 32.8 ft) in your VR lasering room of choice, not a centimeter (inch) less. This is because Space Pirate Arena is a fully blown laser tag facsimile, meant to resemble the real-life zap-a-rama that you might associate with '80s and '90s malls.Īmbitious, inconvenient, and unwieldy-even compared to other VR games? This, I had to dive into.

steam colony survival game space pirates

Like other popular VR games, Space Pirate Arena requires strapping into a face-covering headset, which is inconvenient enough. In good news, this game's wholly free new mode doesn't require any cables, PCs, or external sensors, owing to its exclusivity to the self-contained Oculus Quest platform. Later today, this brand-new mode lands as a free update to the five-year-old VR hit Space Pirate Trainer (whose new name, Space Pirate Trainer DX, still only costs $15 and is a fine VR-action option even for the smallest, weakest VR rigs). If you already thought the average VR use case was too inconvenient, you are absolutely not the target market for Space Pirate Arena.

Steam colony survival game space pirates